Mar 5, 2010

Weekend in China

We are going to travel downtown Beijing tomorrow (Saturday) with the AFS students who have been here for 5 months already. I'll look for an internet cafe and see if I can call home. Also, I am learning that in China some NBA games are brodcasted. I'm not exactly sure, but the Cavs might be shown to at 8am that would be 7pm your time so it might even be live. I think they are playing the Pistons. Maybe I'll even get to hear Austin Carr broadcast! I miss those Carisims...


  1. Have a fun, safe trip, Ben. Luv ya lots. Mom :)

  2. Hi Ben! Glad you made it safely. We are looking forward to reading all of your adventures. Parker, Jason and Logan just read the blog updates with me. They say HELLO.

    Be safe & have lots of fun! - Mrs. Fischer
